Off Grid Artisans & Makers (OGAM)

OGAM Villages
for aspiring
Off Grid Artisans & Makers
A campaign for genuinely affordable off-grid Homes and Low Impact workshop and education units for Artisans and Land Based practitioners wishing to develop and share their skills. We recognise the value of artisan and heritage skills, land based sustainable practice and their benefit to community, education, well being, heritage and local environment.
For the people who work with hands and land, but are priced out from buying land, a challenge to market inequity. We propose a collective Community Land Trust which campaigns for funding to purchase several plots of land, whilst working with each council to include Low Impact, One Planet Development as valid exceptional planning policy in response to Climate Emergency.
We want to enable people to live and work sustainably, regardless of their income, but based on what they can offer in terms of land management, community well being, skills delivery and education. We recognise the rise in the cost of living and loss of affordable workshop space threatens the delivery of well needed skills and resources that we cannot afford to lose. This is a call for enabling anyone who wants to live and work by 2050 zero carbon standards NOW.
We do not accept any form of discrimination that stops people from wanting to invest time, resource or money into enabling sustainable co-operative living. We champion collaboration and collective action and want to provide the tools and templates for all to take action in their local areas.