Fantastic Environmental Education Venue
We are still looking for a venue to teach heritage skills and creative courses and residentials from. Our focus remains on land-based skills, creative arts and sustainable living and working. To ensure old crafts are handed on to the next generation we need to ensure affordable live / work / grow units are available to the practitioners and educators.
We have an investor with £500,000 who wants to live on site and deliver yoga retreats. We have looked at many properties and spoken with many advisors.
Sometimes we get all geared up for one property and then someone else puts in a higher offer.
However, a fantastic environmental education venue has just come up in Snowdonia. We still need some backers, but this would host so many projects and people!
Please view the estate agent’s presentation here: Carter Jonas
If you know anyone who can help us secure this please pass on the info.
Best wishes
Kezia Hoffman
07968507744 ; ; ;